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Risk Assessment 
H15/10: Fifield 15 miles
Date: 08/02/2016
Course Description:
START: On the Drift Road near New Lodge opposite a tree just after the lay-by and approx. 300yds. from the junction on the right with Fifield Lane. Proceed westwards to the roundabout at Hawthorn Hill At the junction with A330.Turn left(M1) onto A330 up Hawthorn Hill. To the cross roads at Maidens Green Continue (M2) on A330 bearing left onto B3022 to the junction with the Drift Road at Cranbourne. Turn left (M3) to complete the circuit. Continue through the start to the roundabout at Haw- thorn hill at the junction with A330. Turn left (M1) onto A330 to the cross roads at Maidens Green. Turn left (M2) onto Winkfield Lane to... FINISH on Winkfield Lane 10 yds before a telegraph pole which is just past the entrance to Winkfield Plain Farm.
Marshalls referred to in this course description (M1, M2) etc may be provided solely to indicate the course direction. They have no role whatsoever in the risk assessment itself.
Traffic Flows: Traffic flows for this course are considered to be within CTT guidelines.
Course Restrictions: Consult LSDC Course Secretary
Course History: Consult LWDC Course Secretary
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